I'm a big fan of movie, and music. I play piano and guitar, not as much as I used to or should, but I still play from time to time. I play video games as well. I like to write when I get too bored to do anything else.
I don't watch tv very often but if I do, then I like family guy and things like that. I also consider myself somewhat of a movie buff, so i watch anything and everything. Some of my top favs would be: Pulp Fiction, True Romance, The Big Lebowski, Boondock Saints, Anything with Christian Bail or Edward Norton.
Everything but country. I like all different kinds of rock the best though.
I read everything but romance, it's kinda boring for me.
Boobs, Ass, Intellect, personality, and hygiene is VERY important. I also tend to prefer dark hair, and dirty talk.
Horrible attitudes, people who think they are better then everyone else, I hate that. Anal play is pretty gross in my opinion. Liars, cheaters, stealers, (people and the football team).