I’m sorry to be the one to tell you all this, but I will no longer be posting my content to pornhub. This is not something I ever planned on happening, but lately pornhub has decided to blacklist me. You might be asking what that means, it means that no matter what I post the video will get taken down after mere seconds of its upload. The past few videos I have tried to upload onto my account has been taken down immediately, and the site has not decided to give me a reason as to why they were removed, this has been happening for a while now but only now has it become so much of a problem that I can actually no longer upload anything. This does not mean I will stop making content, I still post regularly on my Twitter @ArkhamKn1ghtPH, I know most of you probably don’t use Twitter but if you wish to see my content at this point that is the only place I will likely be posting. I am working on making an account And I will keep you all posted when that happens, but for the time being my content will only be posted on Twitter from now on. This is something I know most of you did not want to hear but unfortunately this is what’s happening now, I didn’t wanna create another pornhub account to have the same thing happen again, not to mention all the time and effort that I spent on this account. For the time being my older videos will remain on this channel however I cannot guarantee that I will keep them up forever as most of them do not have watermarks and I have seen them and posted to other accounts across the Internet without credit. I’m terribly sorry it has come to this but I hope you all will go follow me on Twitter so you can keep seeing my content. I will notify you all of when I create my account but for the time being all of my new content will be on my Twitter only. I’m sorry guys, we had a good run on here, but the time has come for me to move to a platform that is actually welcoming towards my content. Thank you all