
Soakedcaramel's Sexy stories

So imma share some crazy stories from my past. Hotel parties, house parties, and normal nights that tuned into sex stories i hope you enjoy..ill post a lil now but you gotta come back to see what happened next
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Thanks 🙂
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So many cool stories
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Finally had a guy come over and pound my tight wet hole out. It was amazing and he was so deep inside but i didnt want to stop! I think next time i want a dick to suck while i take a big dick deep inside..any takers?
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Im back

I been away on another site..i hope to make more friends on here
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What’s the other site?
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My 3some 2 guys

Pt 1*
One day me and my girl lola go to our friends house.He was my friends but She was messing around with him. I was going along to chill. So me and lola are chillin with "boo boo" and his brother "merve" after a while lola and boo boo disappeared to a bedroom. Lola said: he had a huge dick and there was no chance that this was gonna be a quickie. She sucked the life outta him giving her all when she was deepthroating it like a champ(sounding like the colt 45 song).she said she almost ki.ll.ed herself trying to ride his big dick.it filled her all the way up and it felt amazing. So while they are in the room im in the living room with merve untill he says "im gonna head to my room". And he did..just left me in the living room..alone..it was starting to get dark and i didnt think my friend was coming back out that night. Good thing i got a text from a guy i fucked with before. He wanted to know what i was up to..since i was alone in someones living room i told him to pick me up. He said he wasnt alone tho..he had a friend.and you know what that means. So i told it im down come get me.
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Boyfriend payback

Pt 3*
It was pretty fucking hot! so he starts sucking on them as ray keeps fucking me. Then i see my boyfriend start to move..i thought ohhh man this is it..he is gonna see all this going on..my heart starts racing i tap on ray to stop moving so he does..and after a quick turn my boyfriend was back asleep. So we keep fucking till i feel his hot cum filing up inside me.i loved it.. It was fantastic. Well 20 mins later my boyfriend wakes up and he is pissed. He wants to go home like all the way to Virginia. He didnt wanna talk to me either so my friend "lola" took him for me. Well because of his reaction i assumed that he did see us fucking around but pretended to not see it. We definitely broke up that day. And i wrote about it in my myspace blog and a year later he came across it. He called me and he was pissed. He really acted like he didnt know and him reading it was the 1st he knew about it. But i didnt care anymore and thought it was funny. I still feel like he saw it tho. I cant wait to tell you the next time i had with ray and jess..the next time things got crazy... just the 3 of us in my room
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Boyfriend payback

Pt 2* He kept rubbing till he pulled my left boob out and starts sucking on it and of course it feels amazing. well i do realize my boyfriend could wake up at any moment and see this. I gave no s.h.i.t.s tho lol. my mentality then was if you could cheat on me behind my back..i can do it but right in front of your face. So i grab from ray's dick. Its nice and big..pretty thick too and i feel it growing in My hand. He whispered in my ear "aight now you better stop or im gonna use it.. I told him " i wasnt gonna stop"so he gave me this know it was crazy right in the open(we were not alone there were 2 other guys there too that i didnt mention) but he was open to it so he got in front of me on the couch,pulled his dick out and slid it inside me. It felt even bigger inside me and i feel him stroke in and out i pull him closer and he went deeper i moaned in his ear..i had to..he felt so good. Well jess is getting turned on next to me..he reaches over and starts rubbing on my boob. So i let him and...
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Boyfriend payback

Pt 1 * Not my proudest moment but i didnt want to be played for a fool.So at the time my boyfriend lived in Virginia so i would bring him to north Carolina to visit. We had dated for a year at this time and id constantly see messages and comments from other girls on his pics for myspace..and ok like i get it..my dude was hot (tall dark skinned,6pack,sexy face) i get it but when i saw him replying back with messages like"hey sexy love". I was pissed..i was not gonna be made a fool of. And he didnt know but some of the girls he was messaging..contacted me to see if i was really dating him.well i had enough this time so i had the opportunity to get him back. This was not planned at all. Completely spontaneous. So i have some friends over that day and we are all in the living room when my Boyfriend sitting up on one of the sofas and i was on the sofa across from him. Next to me was a guy named "ray"and a guy named "jess" and a gurl named "annie". Jess is trying to feel annie up but he wasnt hiding it well till ray blows up their spot. He said"damn that makes me wanna grab some damn titties too" So he reaches over and starts rubbing on my boob. No lie ray was fine as hell (tall, light skinned,pretty boy,) so i let him suck on it...
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Read all my stories yet?

Wow ive shared 9 whole sex stories in the past month..cant wait to see what happens this month
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every story has made it harder and harder to not masturbate to you...
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1st time giving head

Pt 4*
I kept going a little faster making it a little wetter untill his moan got louder and he came in my mouth..i just remember his dick was close to my throat so i swallowed his cum..he looked at me and went to get a towel me to spit in but i surprised him when i said i swallowed it already. And in good timing too because it seems everyone came back including dizzy but at that point i didnt care i even had that guys fitted hat on the rest of the night. That was it as far as my 1st time giving head and i saw that guy 1 other time and that was it.i dont even remember his name these days but i do remember that night.
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1st time giving head

Pt 3*
reacts nervous, he told me that dizzy made it clear i was off limits (not the last time ive heard people were afraid if dizzy he definitely had a reputation for himself and played no games) well frfr i had alot of drinks and was already pretty horny. I didnt really care..i asked him where dizzy was he said with nita and i said exactly my point. I had no reason to think dizzy wasnt messing around and by this story dizzy and i are pretty much just f*buddies..so i made my point. He thought about it and lays back down and starts undoing his button and zipper. i crawl closer to him and get between his legs and he pulls his big black dick out. This is all new territory for me so i start licking from the tip and down,slow at first then using more of my tongue. I finally put it in my mouth and he starts moaning. I definitely liked that so i...
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this is getting so hot..
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1st time giving head

Pt 2*
when things calmed down from that a girl my age comes in she she starts talking to some of my friends who seemed to already know her..introduced her to me. Her name was "Nita" so we gurls are in a corner of the hotel drinking when dizzy walks back in and his face when he saw nita he made a weird face..he called her and they went to the hall they left i didnt see him till hours later..well im not impressed.. and now its just me and 2 girls and 1 guy. The 2 girls were practicing deepthroating the alcohol bottles..(not joking literally having a contest to see who is better) well im sitting on one of the beds next to the guy(we will call him "the guy") watching and laughing plus ive never sucked a dick before definitely never deepthroated. Some time goes by and him and i are hitting it off when my 2 friends leave the room. We are alone and he lays down..idk i thought this was a good chance to try sucking dick sooo i reach my hand over and he...
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1st time giving head

Pt 1*
So after the last story my friends and i really got into throwing hotel parties so this is kinda where my stories begin lol. So the 2nd time we got a hotel party a few weeks later. Different hotel too. I get there with my gurls and it was really nice we make our way to the room and there were so many guys there.Some i knew from school but alot of the guys i didnt know. Definitely older than me tho. We go in and start drinking. The night i got introduced to "xima xxx" (that hard orange one. If you know you know) so the music is bumpin,people are dancing,laughing and having fun. One of the girls definitely drank tooo much and she starts becoming a bit of a emotional drinker. So there is some attention that way when she was trying to suck one of the guys dick in the bathroom. It was entertaining and we just went back to what we were doing when the door opens and here comes "Dizzy" (i had no idea he would be there) so he come in comes over to me gives me a tight hug and we talked a litte and caught up (tho we had been in touch since the 1st hotel) well one of my gurls starts getting upset because 4 of the others took her car but were not back yet so she knew something was up. Well they get back and she wasnt happy ...at all ...there was a huge argument and 6-7 different people fussing..it was insane! She pretty much kicked the 2 girls out (they took a pit stop to suck the other 2 guys dick) so...
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Loosing my virginity

Pt 3*
They would be back soon.then he climbed on top of me and put his dick inside me. (still didnt suck his dick) and once again 2 minutes later he was nutting on my pussy. We got up..i cleaned up and when i came out the bathroom my friends were just getting back. I pretty much just went home after that. But i did find out later that he had actually paid my friends off to leave so we had time alone. Well next time you hear about this guy again is the night i gave head for the 1st time...and NO it wasnt to him(yikes) long story but for next time
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Loosing my virginity

Pt 2*
At this point i hadnt done ANYTHING sexual but i wasnt freaking out like i thought i would i just kinda wanted to loose my v card so it didnt hurt when i did it with someone i really liked.(is that wrong? Comment lemme know) (for me all my friends said how bas it hurt the 1st time) so now im naked from the waist down and he pulls his dick out already hard and put me on the top part of the toilet (on the top lid part) and he puts his dick in me slowly and i feel how warm and hard it is..it didnt hurt and it also didnt last long after mayybe 2 mins later he was pulling out and cumming in the floor.i was in disbelief i couldnt believe it..i just had sex for the 1st time and it was just..mehh i put my jeans back on.. but not my thong i put that in my pocket(idk why tho) and when we went to the main room with my homegurls and i told them what just happened and they did NOT believe me..i dont blame them the situation and the guy type went against everything they knew me for. So i pulled my thong out of my pocket and thats when it hit them. And they believed me then . actually in that moment the whole party seemed to see me pull it out so the cat was out the bag(lol). I didnt know this guy well or the reputation he had. But little did i know i had just started dating a THUG from jersey and my life was going to get very "interesting" and a bit dangerous. The next morning i wake up and we were alone just him and i ... So i asked where my friends went and he said...
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Thats a hott sex story you got there yourself..very sexy
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Cool story. Losing your virginity doesn't have to be by someone special. I had a girlfriend who was a virgin ages ago. When we finally fucked. She was running most of the time. Then I finally said. This will never end with you running. She grabbed hold of me and screamed, & cried while went on deeper until I finished. It last what seemed like hours
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Loosing my virginity

pt 1*
One night my friends picked me up from work. I knew i was staying the night out (just not that it would be at a hotel.) So everyone had been chillin already but i was at work so i was the last one there. My friends start showing me around. Where the alcohol was ect. I remember knowing everyone there except 2 people and one of them was this older guy sitting in a corner chair(about 5'7, black, scruffy facial hair,wearing a beenie )..and the whole night he was just staring at me it was kinda weird no lie but i chalked it up to he is probably wasted and just dazed off. Then as im sitting on a bed with my homegurls chatting he starts talking..he said "hey what yo name is?" My gurls stared at me trying not to laugh so i told him my name. Well 5 mins go by and he ask the same question. And again i told him my name. This went on 2 maybe 3 more times,i got annoyed then..and told him if he cant remember.. he just dont need to know it He gave me his nickname "dizzy" i just went on with my night tho untill later he asked to talk to me in the hall. So we go in the hall and he starts telling me how he really likes me and wants to be with me. I told him he dont even know me so idk what he is feeling. He asked me if after tonight we could make things official and start dating and get to know each other..i said yes..but i wasnt thinking the same as him cuz he pretty much took me right to the bathroom and started making out with me and undressing me. I was maaaad nervous and couldnt believe this was happening and this point...
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So ive posted some of my sexy party nights on here and i hope you have enjoyed them so far. My next story is going back to the very beginning..the night i lost my virginity. So stay tuned and make sure your caught up on my stories so far. Thanks for the support
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I am married but my husband's sex drive is low (non existent) so i spend alot of time on here watching videos rubbing my pussy piercing. I like to smoke and drink, i love listening to and singing music..and i like to have a good time.im 5'8, black/p.rican bbw with curly brown hair. DONT ASK FOR MY NUMBER OR NUDES

"United States"
Karaoke,traveling,baking, youtuber
Movies genres:Horror and comedy Shows: big bang theory,the good place,once upon a time,family guy
BTS,James Arthur, Ed sheeran, Bruno mars, Trey songz
Big dicks, dirty talk,thugs, LOTS of cum, loud moaning, hard fucking,anal, trying new things
Quick Minute men,men who are too quiet, asking for pics or my phone number
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