Never again
'Never again' I tell myself every time after a date with an escort which, again, left me feeling dissapointed and more lonely than before. Yet every couple of months the solitude drives me insane and has me walking willingly into an escorts trap. After my last experience, where the girl rushed through emotionless sex and had me out of her hotelroom after 30min even though I payed for an hour, I was feeling pretty unsure about my date today. I made it clear when making the appointment that GFE was very important to me and I love to cuddle. I arrive dressed to the nines with a small gift to show that I care and honestly it started of pretty well. We were the same age so making conversation wasn't very hard. But throughout the hour she bassicly just lay there, eyes shut without taking any initiative. If that's what I was looking for I might just as well get a sexdoll. I feel extremely insecure arround women and sex really is all about interaction, right? So pretty much nothing happenned and I walked away sexually frustrated, mocking myself for not getting any. Is it me? Am I that ugly, that horrid that it is unpossible to give me a proper GFE. Am I just expecting to much out of it all. It'll never fill the aching hole in my life but for fuck sake would it be nice to every now and then be hugged, held closely, intensely made love to and looked in the eyes with passion so I can feel like I am human too.