My life is and has been a rather good one. I certainly have to admit to having privilege as though it is a partner in my life. And I've also been lucky to have found and developed a number of very useful skills, which have allowed me to earn money and the confidence necessary to have obtained most of the things I need. I've also found one of lifes true riches. Of course I'm speaking of special person, the one who loves me. and who is that true riches. She and I are now 41 years of love. We are retired citizens and are in the last 'weekday' of our lives. My time is all mine now, except for the pieces I give away. Music, writing, many new relationships, and a few my personal parts which I've rebuilt and put back into service. I'm letting my personality change. Sort of a self guided process, not much is intentional. My efforts are mostly self-permissions, and then Imobserve. My motor has slowed down, found there was no need to rev it up so much. My dearest says I'm on a self guided tour without a map.
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