
Perpetually Horny... Only Joking... Well come to think of it, I really am permanently horny!! Damn I'm shallow....But incredibly horny at the same time.. Who said Men can't Multitask!!!

Lost Avalon
Sperm Producer & Orgasm Supplier (Part Time only)
Orgasms "R" Us (Online some facts fictional )
Still Learning but an enthusiastic student of Life
Photography 35mm/Medium & Large Format in both Digital and Film, Production of Arthouse Erotica, Colorization and Effect Editing, Writing & Producing Electronic Soundscapes/ Film Scores/ EDM, All forms of Art, Science, Synthesizers, Designing & Modifying Electronics Circuitry, Stimulating Conversations and of course ...Women, who are all Beautiful even if they don't know it yet.. I know it sounds Cliche but is True!! (Oh and most definitely not in that order of importance..)
The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Scarface, The Shawshank Redemption, Goodfellas , Pulp Fiction, the GodFather trilogy, Good Horror. Too many to mention. And of course so many beautifully shot adult films by talented producers like Michael Ninn, Andrew Blake etc. Gonzo or Quickie/Faceless porn has its place, but not so much my cup of tea!
Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys, New Order, Jean Michel Jarre, Yello, Severed Heads -Anything the Masterful Tom Ellard puts his talented mind to is always great (still Trying to Tame your old Technics SX-WSA1R Tom !!) Really almost all original & well Crafted Music if I'm honest.
I don't read a lot of fiction, as I'd rather use my own imagination, but anything by Stephen King for fiction and to fulfil my nerdy side and desire to soak up knowledge, any technical manuals, skill learning and general knowledge on pretty well every subject known to man and usually several diverse topics at once! Right now concurrently reading "Advanced Nano Robotic Technology", "Breeding & Raising Tibetan Yaks", "Muscle memory training through Psycho-Cybernetics" and "Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering". Fuck me I'm weird, who does that crap? But I'm so sure it turn on the Ladies and help in getting me Laid.... Not!!
Latex, Lace, Leather, Intense Roleplay, Stylised Stimulation, Basically all things Imaginative and Erotic that my partner or partners desire. No specifics, I've always been honestly into Anything and Everything Sexual. However not big on "real pain/humiliation" inflicting or receiving. But if that's a ladies true desire, she would ever notice that from my utter enthusiasm to satisfy that desire. I will enthusiastically try anything multiple times as I'm keen to push my own sexual boundaries & experiences. But my biggest turn on is when a Sexual Partner(s) are really, I mean really into whatever it is she is doing or having me to do to her.. Ladies who aren't afraid to Own and Challenge their Deepest Desires, and get off loving the Power in Knowing that Fact !! My involvement in creating & witnessing that Unrestricted Pleasure another person is experiencing.. WoW, now that really floats my Proverbial Boat!!!! Not to mention Stimulating the Erotic side of my Imagination...and gets my Cock Rock Hard Too!!
Selfishness , arrogance and dishonesty. Oddly & being totally open my biggest turn off is if the person I am with isn't 100% happy or into the moment. My own pleasure intensifies when my Partner is truly satisfied, the opposite and negative side of that is I really can't enjoy a one sided experience unless I am the one giving. I guess luckily It's my only hang up, so other than that I'm Ready to Rock & Roll
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