This is what I come here for just casual sensitive pussies that already aching to come and pulsing before and then are absolutely pushed to that orgasm by a vibrator as they throb for a solid minute, just the best
Literally was trying so hard to hold back, literally pausing the video several times to just let my clit breathe and throb down but that camera angle change at like 3:14! 😩 was so unprepared I had one of the most aching toned orgasms immediately damn
Always keep coming back to this video, I strongly believe after trying to compile some almost 500 throbbing orgasms that this one is the best by far ever, it’s not that she throbs when she cums it’s that she’s throbbing all throughout and the way the rabbit pushes and pinches the clit while it’s throbbing is a visual unparalleled, truly a gem