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I love to learn and try new things. I am extremely ambitious! I truly believe with all of my heart that the sky is the limit. I am optimistic and for the first time in my life I REALLY enjoy having sex. Never knew what I had been missing out on. In my free time I enjoy nice dinners, watching a good movie or football game (Dallas Cowboys); sorry if I have offended you but I am a fan til the day I die... Win or Lose. I enjoy rollerblading, shopping for my home and taking care of myself and others.
兴趣爱好:Home Decor, Cooking, Visiting Nursing Homes and Lifting their spirits, Learning
会勾起我性欲的是:A Man that smells delicious, A man who has his affairs in order and knows what he wants in life and isn’t afraid to do whatever it takes to accomplish that dream. A man who is pointblank and upfront with me. No beating around the bush here. Let's save the hokey pokey for another day. Life is too short to waste it on petty things.
会浇灭我性欲的是:Laziness, Bad Hygiene, Bad Breath, People who constantly talk about their age and how old they are. Don’t people know that age is only made up of silly digits???!!! Age to me is of no importance. What I do is replace the word age and old with energy. So instead of asking how old someone is, Why don’t you ask them how much energy they have. :-))))