Remember that the evil one is intelligent and cunning but that is not the case, he is more confused because...
to pride
It was the first sin,
Lust is deceptive for pleasure, that is why Jesus Christ gave his life so that people like us sinners could obtain forgiveness. Sincerely your brother José Antonio Leyva Montoya
raise your sword ho loving war of god, conflicts in the world increase
I want to see you in heaven and not burning. May God bless you sister.
from your brother José Antonio Leyva Montoya
Hello Lana Rhoades. I think you are far a professional and you know how this industry works. I have a proposal you would like to really adore. send me a PM if you are interested.Hola Lana Rhoades. Tú definitivamente sabes como funciona este negocio y quiero proponerte un negocio. Mándame un mensaje privado si te interesa