Hey! I'm Daniel, you're in the right place, "PornHub model" with a face, pure fire, and tender at the same time ... I like the game. also be rough in bed. I am a mixture of water and oil. wanting to try milk. I am a model of image, and studied interpretation. I love to travel and be with a good company. I like to take care of my body, because it is a temple which I like the monks to lose their balance, generating morbidity until they shudder with pleasure and desire to do me in various ways. PaypalMe / zakispain (if you let me know, let me know, I love the people who give before receiving. They always keep the best part)
兴趣爱好:Subir mi estilo de vida en INSTAGRAM: @galielswan_official
Hacer Surf, bodyboard, leer, tomar cafè, cenar en cruceros, broncearme mientras me comen el rabo uff que rico!
会勾起我性欲的是:Un dia podria proponerte jugar con miel y esparcir y lamernos todo el cuerpo. Y otro dìa te propondria lamerte lentamente los pezones, mientras te acaricio la oreja con los tentàculos de un pulpo. Asì soy yo. dulce y descabellado //
I love to play in bed, subject you to delicious and pleasant games and at the same time disgusting. One day I could propose you to play with honey and spread and lick our whole bodies. And another day I would suggest licking your nipples slowly, while I caress your ear with the tentacles of an octopus. That's how I am. sweet and crazy
会浇灭我性欲的是:Que hablen a la hora de tener sexo. ¿alguien màs detesta eso? //
Let them talk when it comes to having sex. Does anyone else hate that?