Carol Cox
Carol Cox

Carol Cox

简介 Carol Cox
I really am the Original WebGirl having started my website way back in 1994. I'm still going strong and having fun. All my videos and pictures feature me with my Fans and my Website members...all Real People. I have never shot or worked Pro, but only for myself with very homemade fun productions. Many of the videos you see on here are of me with my Pornhub Subscribers, who I just love to shoot with. I am interested in shooting video with as many Pornhub Subscribers as I can. I have shot videos with over 1000 different Real People, and enjoyed everyone of them. As I mentioned, I am always looking for the next person to play that you? If so, check out all the information at: for all the info on how you can fuck me, and I never charge a cent :) No close up genitalia pictures please. The content I upload on here is a mixture of the old and the brand new :)
感情状态: 开放
喜欢: 男女通吃
城市和国家: Green Valley, Ontario, CA
色情明星主页浏览量: 3,568,177
职业状态: 活跃的
工作起始及结束时间: 1994 至 今
性别: 女性
出身地: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
星座: Virgo
三围: 32D-25-34
身高: 4英尺11英寸(150厘米)
体重: 97磅(44公斤)
种族: White
背景: Canadian
发色: Blonde
眼睛颜色: Blue
假奶子: Yes
纹身: Yes
是否有穿环: No
兴趣爱好: I'm into knitting and reading, very quite and happily boring activities. I also love to travel and sail all around the world (not cruise, actually sail our own boat) ;)
会勾起我性欲的是: I have very few limits and love everything about sex. From sucking and swallowing a nice cock to licking a tasty wet pussy. I love anal sex and especially Double-Penetration. I'm a huge fan of Gang-Bangs and Bukkakes, and I even love Watersports/Pee Play :)
会浇灭我性欲的是: Unclean and pushy people
主页浏览量: 4,520,867
已看视频: 558


解锁了一个新成就:"The Emperor"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Duke"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Squire"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Pop Star"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Prophet"
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A Quick Note to all you great Tributers out there

Pornhub just removed another 500 pictures from my galleries. They were Tributes as well as the pictures I did in return. I was told that to post a Tribute, the Tributers must show their identification and have a signed model release! I really don't know what is happening with this place but they are chipping away their users with ridiculous terms such as this!
Sad 😞
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Their new policy is annoying, but I get why people get why they’d did it
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Pornhub removing my content!

Every time I try and post something, I am getting: This post contains banned words. Please remove banned words from your post. Looks like this one will work! Over the past week, I have had hundreds upon hundreds of pictures and videos removed from my profile. They say I am in of the Terms of Service, but much of the content removed is things like Tribute pictures. This place ihas really been beating us down 😥
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Have missed you Carol!
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We are looking forward to ne content I know I miss seeing your gorgeous body
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解锁了一个新成就:"10 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"9 year old account"
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