Tiffany Ciskiss
Tiffany Ciskiss

Tiffany Ciskiss

简介 Tiffany Ciskiss
I don't do hook ups so please don't ask. But go ahead give me complements, diss me or send me a message and ask any type of questions u want. I will do my best to get back to u. I try to give everyone a chance but please be patient, I get a lot of dms. I prefer non sexual discussions and love to answer questions and help. My skin is thick and u will not offend shock or break me... If u like my content considered supporting my work. You can help me out by donating to me at my go fund me link. 😬 https:// gofund. me/ 06b3fcab I had to add the spaces to get the link to save to my profile. Just copy and paste into your browser and delete the spaces for it to work. 😅 I like to keep a lot of my content free for everyone's pleasure as I know not everyone has the extra money for videos and there is already so much free porn. 🤑 So please if you can I would absolutely appreciate it. 🥰
感情状态: 单身
喜欢: 女性
城市和国家: Jacksonville, United States
性别: 变性女
出身地: United States of America
身高: 5' 11" (180cm)
体重: 163lbs. (74kg)
种族: White
发色: Brunette
纹身: Yes
是否有穿环: No
出生地: Jacksonville
兴趣爱好: Health, fitness, science, politics, government, history, religion, philosophy, anthropology, crypto zoology, culture war, anti gov, anti big pharma, nature, caves, horror stories/movies, syfy, book worm, comic books, gaming, cosplay, film making.
会勾起我性欲的是: Independence, self reliance, intelligence, good nutrition/hygiene, strength, faith, moral conviction, goth girls, pale skin, open minded, smart with money, healthy body odor.
会浇灭我性欲的是: Wokeness, Marxists, People messaging with hey or sup, being overtly pushy, needy, desperate or horny. Not getting the hint, fat people, bad hygiene, stinky, ghetto, ratchet, long finger nails, vio lence, pro abor tion, comuniZm, socialiZm, nahzis, junk food, poor health, bad teeth, BLM, antifa, pride events, lgbtqp+++ cult
视频播放量: 419,149
主页浏览量: 156,390
已看视频: 244


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