= Hi Holden Tudiks just trying to pay bills
you can usually find me on Instagram sometimes Twitter.
If you get me anything off my Amazon wish list, let me know and I’ll make sure I give you a shout out. Or if you just wanna help out financially for a shout out, let me know.
programming, React.js, Next.js, JavaScript/CSS animation, playing video-games, watching movies, music, hanging out with cool chill people, pot head, working out, self improvement, being a good person
Genuinely nice people of all gender, bubbly personality is so hot to me. I do like fem bottom that become aggressive Tops.🥰😈🥰
Ps. that also means those that use strap-on's 😈✝️😇
Mean or rude people... and bad feet like they never do anything to them or real long long nails that curl ➿ 😅