Hey lovers 💖 We're Blake & Bambi, a REAL lesbian couple from New Zealand. We met and fell in love at a stripclub. We both have a huge sexual appetite and after struggling to discover real passionate lesbian porn, we decided to make it ourselves. We're nude enthusiasts, and get off on people watching our porn.
IG: @Blakebambiwild
TWITTER: @Blakebambiwilde
TIKTOK: @Blakebambiwild
WEBSITE: www.blakebambiwild.com
Our plant babies. Painting. Gym. Philosophy. Our fur son - Monsieur meow meow ze pamplemousse. Twitch/video games. Sex.
Burgers. The sound of nails being clipped (...you know).
Voyeurism. Exhibitionism. ASMR - whispering. BDSM - double female domme.
Long make out sessions. Sex toys. Watching each other shower.
superficial people, people who can't laugh at themselves, rudeness