Alex in Astrid
Alex in Astrid

Alex in Astrid

简介 Alex in Astrid
Hi everyone! I'm Astrid, I'm 24 yrs old and while I might be a little one at 4'11 tall and 100lbs, I'm a Total Fire Cracker/Glitter Bomb. I Married my neighbor, My Lover, Alex. I'm normally a very shy but Alex has turned me into a Love Beast! I'm the girl next door who is insatiable and he is 46, Handsome and the guy who attracts everyone to gravitate around him. I was just 15 when I seen Alex (He was 37) next door and Instantly fell in love with him!! I first noticed him as he would cut his lawn shirtless and sweating (OMG I Got So Wet and my Pussy Caught Fire for the First time) and he first noticed me peaking out his window as I would sun bathe in a tiny bikini in my back yard. I was a Virgin until Alex took me and I have only been with and Will Only be with Him. I'm proud of my Strong Older Man and he's proud of his Young Trophy Wife so we enjoy filming our fuck sessions and showing the world. One of My favorite things to do to him is a wonderful loving hand/blowjob with lots of aftercare!
感情状态: 非单身
喜欢: 男女通吃
性别: 情侣
出身地: United States of America
三围: 36-22-32
身高: 4' 11" (149cm)
体重: 100lbs. (45kg)
种族: White
发色: Brunette
纹身: Yes
是否有穿环: No
兴趣爱好: Him: drums, electronics, mechanics. Her: photography, crafts, guitar.
会勾起我性欲的是: HER: My husband's cock - Getting it hard and enjoying it when it is!! His body, Head. To. Toe. And all inbetween! Being caressed Anywhere on my body. Getting snatched up and roughed on. Husbunny on top of me! My husband being so masculine that it makes me feel extra girly. Being frisky in public. HIM: My wife's soft, tiny little body. The way she lets me take her in any way I please. Her wonderful, beautiful eyes and the way she looks at me. How silly and girly she is. The way she dresses in frilly and soft clothes just for my pleasure.
会浇灭我性欲的是: , urination, head/ski masks, a lot of make-up, trashy attire
视频播放量: 2,217,999
主页浏览量: 313,529
已看视频: 30


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I had a lot of fun

I'm sorry I had to remove all my stuff and didn't post anything new for a long time. PH mismanages their models, their payouts and cut are ridiculous and even though I generated 2.2 million views, only once was one of my videos featured on the front page... I started a new site at and all my new and past content is there. It's only 5 dollars to join and there's all new stuff there. The hottest stuff I've ever made. Hope to see you there.
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