
Philosopher with a penchant for aesthetics on my off-time. Otherwise, I'm interested in the science of consciousness and looking forward to mapping out our biological processes to the corresponding phenomenal constructs that instantiate our conscious state(s), whatever they may be and whatever they may regard. #phenomenology; #ontology; #philosophyofscience; #philosophyofmind; #metaphysics; #epistimology; and #ethics.

Evanston, IL
Royal Palm Beach, FL
"United States"
Full-Time Student
Florida Atlantic University
Obviously, I love sex. Fitness can be an excellent reprieve. I gravitate toward yoga, meditation, moderate exercise, cultural cultivation, healthy nutrition, and genuine connection. Spirituality is a big part of my life. I pray five times a day, but the prayer is unitarian in nature as it comprises the polytheistic faiths within the context of the monotheistic faiths - honoring one God who is infinite, eternal, and absolute - but transcendent and beyond our comprehension.
I love anything that has a good plot and sharp aesthetic. There needs to be a strong intellectual, emotional, and volitive component that calls me to act upon whatever deeply rooted psychological treasure has been revealed through the feature. Catharsis is essential, but it can't be generic or trite.
I love classical music in all its incarnations and tend to gravitate toward nearly all forms of rock, especially indie rock. However, I find love ballads, oldies, blues, jazz, some pop (especially from the 70s, 80s, and 90s), lounge, and foreign classics (french cornerstones, tango, etc.) rather pleasing. I haven't much sensitivity toward rap or hip-hop, but there are some songs that will always spark a child-of-the-endless-like enthusiasm in the form of some sort of wild animal in me that is deeply empowering. I suppose what I'm saying is that lyrics matter.
Nonfiction. Full-stop. Theology, Philosophy, and Science. Mythology is in that strange in-between which I do consider, but I don't care much for history or the classics. Nevertheless, I will likely one day pour over classic literature simply because it should be read. Pop literature can be decent, but it certainly isn't something I seek out. There are so many more connections to be made before I can just relax and soak in some modern writer's conception of reality.
Fit (a chiseled, muscular definition that is still limber and flexible enough to perform gymnastics). Hung (9 inches in length with complete proportionality). Handsome (symmetrical and modelesque features that resonate universally). Educated (in manner of word and deed). Elegant (confidence and style), Intact (with a regular amount of foreskin), Clear Complexion with Tan Skin (the kind of tan you get from indulging in the essence of milk and honey), Hair (voluminous and luxurious atop the head, fullness under the arms, moderation on the forearms, moderation on the legs, and moderation on the groin - with a nine o'clock shadow on the face), Hairlessness (everywhere else), Kink (scent - with the exception of bad breath, dirty ass, dirty feet, or overly ripe anything; adept switch - completely dominant and completely submissive with a partner that knows how to explore the darkest places of the mind and absolve themselves of its sting by turning absolute pain into absolute pleasure).
Anything I haven't mentioned in my turn-ons.
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